Monday 19 August 2013

Pizza Puhlease-ah!

'Kay yah, I am just going to blurt this story as light relief in between kitten pix; and while gearing up to publish the full chimichanga: MILFiness and the Art of Losing Weight.

From a blog on the 36th Floor.
About three months ago, I took Piglet out one night for pizza. And cuz I did not do my research very well, we didn't end up in the place where they do cheap-y children's pizzas, I wandered into the slightly posh pizza chain where they signal that they are for grown-ups reely by having a children's menu so healthy it put me off too. But Piglet was v. excited about getting taken out for pizza so she did not kick off.

Anyway, the waiter comes up to me and with his best Italian accent, he says: "Oh Madame, would you like a salad? We have very nice salads, we have the Chicken Caesar, Salade Niçoise, blahdiblah."

From ProteinPower forum.
I mean ick ick! I know very well their Salade Niçoise will be made with tinned tuna - ick! Plus, I am in a pizza restaurant. I do not go to a pizza place for two lettuce leaves and an artfully placed cherry tomato with a chunk of chicken or some tinned tuna chucked onto it. So I say, "No, I wanna pizza."

"Oh Madame!" he says in great surprise, "but many laydees like our salads. They are watching their figure, you see."

Panna cotta from BBC Food blog.
Possibly my favourite pudding.
Although I had a rose petal yoghurt thing
the other day that was , like, mmmm! ....
To be continued ... 

I shook my embonpoint at him and I said, "Honey, do you think I got this figure on salad? You can watch my figure, I wanna eat a pizza. And bring me a large glass of red wine with it and I will be having pudding later, too - cuz I am into La Dolce Vita - and if it is a pudding that can possibly have cream poured all over it, get the cow ready."

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