From Sheila Hanlon's blog on women's history. Gertrude: My dear Jane, what on Earth is that bicycle suit for? Jane: Why to wear, of course. Gertrude: But you haven't got a bicycle. Jane: No, but I've got a sewing machine. |
When the doctors (I mean proper doctors what have studied serious medical things, not li'l ole me who only knows how cute your buns are (wink) oh, and how to deconstruct your subject position in the heterosexual matrix <snerk>), er ... what was I saying ... when the doctors used to ask me if I took exercise, I would laugh a hollow laugh. "I am a mom," I would say, and they would go: "Oh yeah, LOL."
a) I had no time to be trotting off to the gym for buns and tums classes. b) I got my daily exercise racing the little piglets on the school run. Why this is what happened on Piglet's very first day at school. There she was, so cute in her tiny school uniform you would not believe it. I thought I would make a video of us walking to school together which I could weep over in years to come. I looked up from the camera and saw that the tiny school-uniform-clad Piglet was already halfway down the road she was so eager to get into the Grove of Academe! All I have got of her first day is a film of a tiny navy blue dot in the distance bouncing up and down cuz the camera is going up and down in my hand, with a voice-over going: "Wait! Wait for me!"
Here you can see a brave noble Scot being given the hand-off by a vicious All Black. (Yah of course Scotland lost that match :rolleyes: but we kept them in double figures, it wasn't like a cricket score - there.) |
However, now that I have completely ruined my knee playing the game, LOL (yah, I would do it all again tomorrow! I loved that sport like no other), I need some other way to keep fit 'n healthy.
People often decide to get fit again by going down the gym. They join up - sometimes at a special time of year when they might have been eating 'n drinking a bit more than normal (yah? sound familiar?) and the gyms are doing special deals to lure them in.
They go very enthusiastically for a while 'n then one day they have a li'l cold in their nose, or something happens 'n they are late getting back from somewhere or something-else happens, anyway they do not make it in for a couple of days. Then a week later they are a bit tired that night, then before they know it, they are not going to the gym at all at all, in fact they feel horribly guilt-stricken as they realise they paid for the damn thing for three months without using it whatsoever so they eat a whole packet of chocolate biscuits to get over the guilt.
Sound familiar?
There is running, too. Some people take up running. Running is v. hard on the knees, sweet thing, 'n one day when you have a li'l cold in your nose ... blah blah blah. And swimming means wet hair so even more cold-in-your-nose-blah-blah-blah.
'Kay there are two ways to make sure regular exercise remains regular, not an annual treat for the gym membership fund. One is to make it part of your social life. If you go with friendies, then you feel bad when you do not show up just cuz you are tired or had a cold in your li'l nose and are more likely to make the effort. This works best if you are playing a sport which they cannot play well without you like badminton.
From This was not quite what the MILF used to wear to play croquet; I am not that old but nearly (wink). |
The other way to make sure exercise is regular in your life, is build it into your normal daily routine. It should be part of your life, rather than being something bolted on to your life which can come unstuck.
From Picsto Pin. |
Special shoes for walking from |
I particularly love the bike cuz like swimming, it is non-load-bearing exercise - easy on the knees (wink). It acksherly gets me to and fro school quicker than walking and driving. You do not believe me about the driving? Well, you can take li'l short cuts on the bikes which you cannot take in a car. Also, in the car I often have to circle the damn school six times waiting for some other lazy MILF to move her effing car so I can finally park mine. My bicycle has the panniers on it in the old black which I can load up with heavy shopping. Then I can shop in high heels without putting strain on my shapely legs. It is totally eco so the school greatly admire me 'n Piglet when we glide in on our bikes.
Pigletocycle |
If you are aiming to lose weight: bike is best. I do not know what it is, no doubt there are studies somewhere that will tell you it is about the anaerobic rate of waving your legs at shyly admiring dads or whatever, but regular frequent cycling does lead to you developing a lean mean muscular frame.
And you can wear black lycras (wink).
Sheila Hanlon's blog again. Daughter (enthusiastically): Oh Mamma! I must learn bicycling! So delightful to go at such a pace! Mamma (severely): No thank you, my dear; you are quite fast enough already! |
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