Demotivational poster |
At one university where I was working, I saw an email come round from an eminent and notoriously grumpy Prof saying: "Can anyone explain to me what postmodern feminism is? It sounds like a load of b@ll0cks to me but I challenge you to convince me otherwise." Or words to that effect <snerk>.
I naturally was a little bit interested by this, being a postmodern feminist myself. (Er, in a casual flighty sort of way when not doing my serious work of scrubbing floors and tending to kittens, of course.) None of the eminent and notoriously grumpy postmodern feminist Prof.s picked up the flung glove so I went: "La la la, I will have a chat to you about it if you like."
Well dahlinks, I am quite good at handling grumpy old men (wink), as it were (wink). We got on nicely. I am not going to explain postmodern feminism here cuz that is a long story. I am going to tell you about Feminist Standpoint Theory cuz it may shed some light on Baronial behaviours.
Hegel with some students (all 'he's - he he he LOL) |
Henry Louis "Skip" Gates Jr. from Wikipedia. |
The grumpy old Prof took it that this bunch of ditzy wimmin just COPIED their idea off of Hegel and he was greatly relieved to hear that.
So what was Hegel's great idea that these women copied.
Hegel argues that in a relationship of power (and cuz we are postmodern, right? we know that all relationships are all about power) there is the Master, who was willing to die rather than be enslaved, and the Slave, who went: "Oh wimpy wimpy me! I would rather live," so he gets enslaved. Mmmm ... we do not have the input here of the millions of actual slaves who did die in the disgusting inhuman conditions of the Atlantic passage from Africa to America so let's put that one to one side.
The Master has power. He is all like, Ha ha! you do things how I want them done cuz I am the Master here. (They are all 'he' in Hegel of course .) In order for the Slave to do it in the way the Master wants, the Slave has to know what it is the Master wants. So the Master knows what he wants, and the Slave knows what he - the Slave - wants (but he isn't going to get it). And the Slave also has to know what the Master wants cuz otherwise he is dead meat, he failed to do the ribeye steak just so like the Master likes it and did not even make proper chips (that's fries to our American friends) to go with it, he made mashed potato cuz he thought that would be healthier and it is but it is not what the Master wanted.
From this blog. |
From NaturePlanetInfo |
Women are the ones who know how it all works, they are in the standpoint (geddit?) of the Slave. If you want a good study on gender relations ask women. They have knowledge both of what they need and what the man needs, even if they can't use this knowledge to get power. That is the trick. How can knowledge be turned into power? cuz in this instance it is not power.
So-o-o, this is the thing that is happening in my home - in spite of the fact that the Baron frequently protests his feminist credentials and I have to be quite careful not to say things at academic parties like, "Yeah, one time we moved house - he was away at a conference! And I was jolly glad cuz it meant he paid for professional removal people to pack up the house instead of insisting he help me do it in a totally useless way."
Roger Stowell likes The chocolate pudding so much he cooks it himself! Gasp! (And eats it all.) |
For a long time I was not acksherly sure how I like things to be cuz I was so fixed on sorting out the Baron and the Piglet. Then there was a time I was 'ill'. The docs said (I mean the medical docs, cuz I am just a PhD although if you want me to look at your leg, I am willing - wink) that I did have a virus but it shouldn't be making me so tired. Yet I could not get out of bed cuz my legs gave way under me if I did. I had to lie about, reading and cruising the internet while I thought about publishing my stories and that was when I remembered that I like to write and flirt.
And now that's what I do .
Naoko, you are absolutely brilliant.